Customer Charter
Courtesy and respect
- We will be courteous and friendly when we speak to you
- We will listen
- We will say sorry when things go wrong
- We will treat you with respect and not patronise you
- We will address you formally unless you ask us not to
- We will not enter your home uninvited (except in an emergency, where we will follow our published rules)
- We will speak clearly and give you our name when answering the telephone
- We will take responsibility for dealing with your query or for passing it onto another named individual who can help you
- We will open and to the point when dealing with your query
- If we cannot do what you want we will tell you why
- We will be appropriately dressed
- We will treat you fairly
- We will treat you as we would expect to be treated ourselves
- We will give the same high standard of service wherever you live
Equal Opportunities
- We will treat all residents equally
- We will provide an interpretation and translation service for residents and customers who do not speak English
- We will aim to communicate with you in a way that takes account of any physical or sensory impairment that you may have
- We will promote dignity and well-being
A Quality Service
- When things go wrong we will do our best to put them right as quickly as possible
- We will seek your views on the key services we deliver
- We will listen to what you have to say and take your views into account when making decisions
- We will keep you informed
- We will review our standards regularly to make sure they meet your needs
Working with residents in occupation in both general needs and supported accommodation.
We will:
- Give clear, accurate information that is easy to understand;
Be polite and helpful; - Treat the home with respect and clean up after every repair;
- Make sure we leave the home as clean as we found it;
- Check if there is a vulnerable person alone in the house (someone who is elderly, has medical problems or has a disability)and if there is, make sure they are happy for us to do the work;
- Wear identity cards and show them if the resident asks us to;
- Carry language cards in case the resident needs us to translate information;
- Provide translation and interpretation services if English is not the first language;
- Use dust sheets and coverings to protect carpets, furniture and other belongings;
- Not move furniture or belongings;
- Remove all rubbish from the home when we have finished the work
- Ask for a signature to confirm that we have finished the repair